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Extra Curricular Activities

Quicklinks to activities:

Sport  Drama  Art  Book  Cookery  Orchestra  Music  Cross country

Sporting Activities

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Further Information

If a practice is cancelled the coach will post the information on the mall information screen outside the Sixth Form Centre or Google Classroom.

Pupils should bring appropriate clothing for the practices, their own water for hydration and make sure they are prompt.

After school practices begin at 3.40pm sharp and finish at 4.45pm  

Practices before school begin at 8.00am and finish at 8.50am




Every Thursday in The Drama Lecture Theatre (DLT) from 3.30 to 4.40pm. All are welcome.


JUNIOR ART CLUB (Starting 21st September):

 Every Tuesday in S21 from 3.30 to 4.40pm.  All are welcome

After school Art and Design Examination Level Tuesday 3.35-4.30



KS4 and 5 Art and Design (Examination Classes): N22 Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm & N21 Wednesday 3.30-4.30pm



BOOk CLUB (Starting 4th October):

Year 8 Tuesday, Year 9 Wednesday and Year 10 Thursday

In the library from 3.30 to 4.40pm.  All are welcome


 (Starting 22nd September): 

Every Wednesday in NO4 at 3.30pm.

Can you please ask pupils to register in advance with our technician Miss Haugh, so we can gauge numbers for buying ingredients.


 (Starting 22nd September): 

Every Monday in the Mall after school.

String instruments only this Monday and then Wind only the following Monday.


Tuesday 8:45-9:15 String Ensemble in N03

Tuesday Period 5: Yr 10 and 11 Choir in the Chaplaincy

Wednesday 8:45-9:15: Jazz Band in N02

Thursday 8:45-9.:15: Trad Group in N02

Thursday Period 6: Yr 8 and 9 Choir in N03

Thursday 3:30-4:15: Chamber Choir in the Chaplaincy




Cross Country Running Club:

 Cross Country will take place on Wednesday after school 3.30-4.30, meet at back door.